I read " Touching From a Distance" last year and was disappointed. I vowed not to read anymore bios on musicians i love.They should be shrouded in mystery and i don't want to know what they ate for breakfast. Since then i have broken my vow, i cant seem to stop reading a good rock n' roll bio from time to time. Anyways, in the book he's portrayed as a bad husband, father and I'm sure he was but the book came across a little one sided. For years i have been anticipating the release of Control, directed by Mr. Anton Corbijn (amazing photographer and video director). It was amazing and i advise anyone reading this to go see it tonight, it's playing at Film Forum here in the city. Every moment of this film is a beautiful black and white photograph and the actors are dead on. All I'm going to say is that the film made him out to be more of a human being, totally flawed but a little more human. Please go see it!

These are some movie stills i took during the movie. I couldn't help it, i was in love with every image i saw.
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